DSA and going out into the world!
It's a year now since I started my business, during which my son has had a formal assessment for Dys
It's a year now since I started my business, during which my son has had a formal assessment for Dys
I've loved tutoring this year, finding different ways to help children understand mathematical conce
It's important to balance your time....
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At Dottys Dyslexia in Yorkshire, Dyslexia Assessments, One to One Tutoring and Specialist Tutoring for Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SpLD) are available.
I teach traditional subjects and also specialise in Dyslexia but cover a whole spectrum of special needs.
I can Tutor and do Assessments during term time or school holidays and I am very flexible and will travel to the familiar surroundings of your own home or you can use a specially comfortable room at Dottys Dyslexia in Helmsley, Ryedale. near York.
Tutoring and Assessments can be arranged for term or school holidays
I am an enthusiastic teacher with 30 years experience in education from toddler groups to A-level. I live in Helmsley North Yorkshire with 4 teenage children, all of whom learn and engage with learning in totally different ways. As a teacher and parent, they have given me a great insight into the learning processes and the stresses that students have to deal with at school today.
Tutoring. One to One.
I am a fully qualified primary and secondary school teacher, having taught for 30 years in both Leeds and Ryedale schools. I teach the full range of primary subjects plus Secondary, Literacy, French, Maths, Geography and P.E.
Specialist Tutoring for Special Educational Needs and Disabilities.
For some years, I have been grateful to work one to one with students experiencing difficulties with reading, writing, phonological awareness and maths, as well as working with students with a range of disabilities such as Autism, Dyslexia, Dyspraxia and ADHD.
Specialist Tutoring. Dyslexia.
I am a professional member of the BDA, and hold current Assessment and Teacher Practising Certificates for SpLD (Dyslexia).
For many years I have been supporting, guiding and tutoring dyslexic children and adults.
Assessing Dyslexia for extra time in examinations.
When it comes to examinations, a young person with dyslexia may require extra time to read the papers during an exam. An assessment report may help to ensure that he/she gets that extra time.
If you are thinking about university, you may have to consider a student disability allowance.
DSA funding grants.
I am qualified to assess for Dyslexia and write Diagnostic Assessment reports for individuals, Schools Access Arrangements for Examinations, and for DSA Funding Grants.
How do I teach?
I aim to engage my students through an enjoyable, stimulating, multi- sensory learning environment. This enables confidence and self esteem to be developed.
The building blocks for learning can be embedded, and students can reach their potential.
High expectations are paramount but goals are realistic and achievable. Much of my students learning and progress is based upon identifying pupil’s strengths, weaknesses and talents, plus their preferred learning styles and areas for development. A Learning profile is created unique to each individual student and an individualised learning program is established.
I am fully qualified to do this and have substantial experience in developing and en-gaging individual structured programs to support and enhance their learning.
We offer One to One Tutoring at all levels, whether you are wanting to improve grades, prepare for an exam or to just get ahead of your curriculum to gain extra confidence for the coming term.
If these are your aims then my One to One Tutoring is for you!
ONE TO ONE TUTORING for Special Needs Educational Needs and Disabilities SEND.
My specialist teacher qualification has enabled me to witness the success of many young students in their journey to independence.
I have been successfully tutoring in this area for many years.
ASSESSING a new students needs.
I will initially carefully assess with my student their abilities and learning needs and plan out a fun pathway for the student to progress. I always look forward to my visits with anticipation of what we will achieve together, and I am told the tutees always enjoy my teaching visits.
TUTORING for Dyslexia
Firstly, I will carefully assess for the strengths and weaknesses that the individual is experiencing and work out an approach that will fit their abilities. This will not be set in stone, but will enable me to refine my approach as we make the most effective use of their talents.
Dyslexia is a complex neuro-diverse learning difference.Thirty five percent of top entrepreneurs are dyslexic. It should be seen as a gift and that is the approach I use.
With a specialist qualification in this area, I can find a way to teach in the way that the individual learns.
When it comes to school exams, I am fully qualified to assess the abilities of children for JCQ examination access arrangements. (This could mean that they may be awarded extra time to do their exams).
I am also qualified to examine and make an assessment and prepare DSA reports prior to university entrance.
There are many famous people with Dyslexia.
Richard Branson, Jamie Oliver, Einstein –Three of the world’s most famous dyslexics!
Dyslexia isn’t a disability; it’s a learning difference! The brain thinks and works differently!
Many of the world’s leading entrepreneurs, artists, actors and sporting stars have been able to turn their dyslexia into a positive talent and go on to INSPIRE the world and those around them. Forward thinking companies harness the special talents of dyslexics.
The most quoted company is NASSA, who recognise two of the special dyslexic talents of Spacial Awareness and superior Problem Solving Abilities. Now over 50% of NASSA’S staff are dyslexic.
What is Dyslexia?
Dyslexia is an unexpected learning difficulty which firstly affects the ability to read and spell accurately and is one of a number of varying difficulties grouped under the term SpLD: Specific Learning Difficulties.
SpLD is often referred as the more technical name of Neuro-diversity.
Neuro-diversity is a collective concept of differing neurological variations in the way that the brain works to process information and each variation is given a name.
The most common SpLD’s are: Dyslexia, Dyspraxia, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, Autism, Dyscalculia and Tourettes Syndrome.
The term: Specific learning difficulty (SpLD) is used to describe differences or difficulties in some areas of learning, or the way that the brain presents information to us. SpLD’s can exist no matter what social, intellectual, language background or ability that you have.
An individual can have more than one SpLD and the SpLD’s can range from very mild to very severe. Many co-occur and are multi-faceted with each individuals strengths and weaknesses unique to them.
The brain constantly processes a massive amount of information and the way that an individual does this is recognised as, ‘Their Individual Cognitive Profile.’ An individual with an SpLD will exhibit a spiky profile with strengths and weaknesses compared to the flatter profile of someone without. An individual with an SpLD, processes information differently to the norm.
Characteristics of Dyslexia.
Dyslexia is a specific learning difficulty that mainly affects the development of literacy and language related skills. It is usually present at birth and it is likely to be life-long and persistent in its effects.It is characterised by difficulties with phonological processing, rapid naming, working memory, processing speed and the automatic development of skills that may not match up to an individual’s other cognitive abilities.It tends to be resistant to conventional teaching methods but its effects can be mitigated by appropriate and specific intervention. Dyslexic individuals often have outstanding talents in other areas.
How can I tell if I, or my child is Dyslexic?
Look at the Quiz below. Answer the questions. If the answer to many of the questions is yes you may be dyslexic. Alternatively I can provide a screening assessment.
Do I get mixed up with my right and left?
Do I lose my place when reading?
Do the words seem to move?D
Do I find it difficult to remember things that have been said?
Am I clumsy?
Can I see my own mistakes?
Am I unhappy at school?
Do I get really tired when I am at school?
Do I find copying from the board hard?
Do I find it easier to talk about things than to write them down?
Is my handwriting untidy?Am I disorganised?
Is my work messy with lots of crossing out?
Do I find it difficult to write down what I want to say?
Do I mess around so that I can hide fact that I find it difficult?
Do I use caPiTals in the wrong places?
Do I miss out words?
Assessment for Dyslexia or SpLD.
I am a fully qualified teacher and assessor for SpLD (Dyslexia). I use recommended tests and communicate with the individual, schools and parents to build a full profile of each individual.
Teaching for dyslexics
After carefully assessing students’ abilities and talents, I tailor my lessons to those strengths using a metacognitive approach. I aim to engage my students through an enjoyable, stimulating, multi-sensory learning environment. This enables confidence and self esteem to be developed, whereupon the building bricks for learning can be embedded and students can reach their potential. High expectations are paramount but goals are realistic and achievable. Much of my students learning and progress is based upon identifying pupils’ strengths and weaknesses, their preferred learning styles and areas for development. A learning profile is created unique to each individual student and an individualised learning program is established.
By carefully harnessing the students strengths, I can make it easier for the student to progress in a way they enjoy and learn more effectively. I can target school subjects, help with specific exams and assignments and help with exam preparation.
I can provide diagnostic assessments for both adults and children: for dyslexia, for both, Access Arrangements for Examinations and for, Disability Student Allowance.
Schools Access Arrangements for Examinations.
This assessment is needed for a child who may need particular access arrangements for Exams. It may allow a child to have extra time, a scribe and or a reader. It is not a formal diagnosis of SpLD .The session will normally take up to two hours.
The school will be contacted so that there is close collaboration between school and myself as per the Joint Council of Qualifications (JCQ). This is essential as the school provides evidence of the child’s history of need and their normal way of working in school.
As a specialist assessor my assessment report will include:
• A summary of the learners background and history of need.
• A summary of current reading, writing and spelling attainments, which ever is appropriate.
• A summary of cognitive strengths and weaknesses.
• A table of formal test results.
• Recommendations of possible access arrangements in exams and completion of JCQ form 8 if needed.
Although I can recommend access arrangements to the school and work collaboratively with them it is the school’s responsibility to make the application to the awarding body.
It is important to note that Exam Access Arrangements are only granted when the criteria set out by the JCQ are met and the appropriate evidence provided.
Disabled student allowance (DSA); funding grants.
If you are Dyslexic or have other qualifying disabilities and are a higher education student living in England, you may be able to apply for a DSA (Disabled Students Allowance)
To apply for this you will need to have a full diagnostic assessment from a qualified specialist teacher tailored to meet DSA REQUIREMENTS.(See below)
At DOTTY’S DYSLEXIA in North Yorkshire, I am fully qualified to undertake these assessments.
These assessments are very different to Schools Access Arrangements reports, which are not accepted for these grants. Once that you have passed the age of 16, you will require a DSA funding grant assessment.
Diagnostic Assessments.
These assessments provide a full comprehensive and detailed assessment report, where a diagnosis of dyslexia can be given if appropriate. It will look at a persons strengths and weaknesses alongside their underlying ability and provide recommendations and support.
Speed of processing.
• Conclusions
• Recommended support and Recommendations for Access.
• Arrangements or DSA
• Meeting to discuss the results.
An assessment report will include :
• Summary of assessment findings
• Summary of background information provided by , the assessment. The parents if appropriate and the schools history of support.
• Detailed interpretation of test results including:-
• a) Underlying ability
• b) Attainment
• c) Cognitive processing skills: memory, phonological awareness and speed of processing
The assessment will normally take 3 hours, and can take place either within your own home or at my friendly assessment room in Helmsley.
A Team Effort.
Everyone needs to be involved. Parents need to take an active roll and school should be involved from the start by asking them for their advice.
You and your school will be required to fill in a questionnaire which will provide important background information about the assessee.
To book an assessment please contact me and the appropriate questionnaires will be forwarded.
For details about about Schools access arrangements for examinations, DSA funding grant assessments or to book an assessment please contact me.
Dottys Dyslexia or an Educational Phycologist Assessor?
It is worth noting that it can take some time to arrange for an assessment at a school.
Firstly you may have difficulty getting them to understand your child’s need, and then it may take some time for them to contact an Educational Phycologist who has a space to test your child.
I can often find a spot within days, but please remember a child will be tired in the evening and it is not a good time to start a three hour assessment!
We try to respond to all enquiries within 24 hours and would love to hear from you !
01439 770358