DOTTYS DYSLEXIA in North Yorkshire.
I can provide diagnostic assessments for both adults and children: for dyslexia, for both, Access Arrangements for Examinations and for Disability Student Allowance.
Schools Access Arrangements for Examinations.
This assessment is needed for a child who may need particular access arrangements for Exams. It may allow a child to have extra time, a scribe and or a reader. It is not a formal diagnosis of SpLD .The session will normally take up to two hours.
The school will be contacted so that there is close collaboration between school and myself as per the Joint Council of Qualifications (JCQ). This is essential as the school provides evidence of the child’s history of need and their normal way of working in school.
As a specialist assessor my assessment report will include:
• A summary of the learners background and history of need.
• A summary of current reading, writing and spelling attainments, which ever is appropriate.
• A summary of cognitive strengths and weaknesses.
• A table of formal test results.
• Recommendations of possible access arrangements in exams and completion of JCQ form 8 if needed.
Although I can recommend access arrangements to the school and work collaboratively with them it is the school’s responsibility to make the application to the awarding body.
It is important to note that Exam Access Arrangements are only granted when the criteria set out by the JCQ are met and the appropriate evidence provided.
Disabled student allowance (DSA); funding grants.
If you are Dyslexic or have other qualifying disabilities and are a higher education student living in England, you may be able to apply for a DSA (Disabled Students Allowance)
To apply for this you will need to have a full diagnostic assessment from a qualified specialist teacher tailored to meet DSA REQUIREMENTS.(See below)
At DOTTY’S DYSLEXIA in North Yorkshire, I am fully qualified to undertake these assessments.
These assessments are very different to Schools Access Arrangements reports, which are not accepted for these grants. Once that you have passed the age of 16, you will require a DSA funding grant assessment.
Please contact me for details of DSA. by clicking here.
Diagnostic Assessments.
These assessments provide a full comprehensive and detailed assessment report, where a diagnosis of dyslexia can be given if appropriate. It will look at a persons strengths and weaknesses alongside their underlying ability and provide recommendations and support.
Speed of processing.
- Conclusions
- Recommended support and Recommendations for Access.
- Arrangements or DSA
- Meeting to discuss the results.
An assessment report will include :
- Summary of assessment findings
- Summary of background information provided by , the assessment. The parents if appropriate and the schools history of support.
- Detailed interpretation of test results including:-
a) Underlying ability
b) Attainment
c) Cognitive processing skills: memory, phonological awareness and speed of processing
The assessment will normally take 3 hours, and can take place either within your own home or at my friendly assessment room in Helmsley.
A Team Effort.
Everyone needs to be involved. Parents need to take an active roll and school should be involved from the start by asking them for their advice.
You and your school will be required to fill in a questionnaire which will provide important background information about the assessee.
To book an assessment please contact me and the appropriate questionnaires will be forwarded.
For details about about Schools access arrangements for examinations, DSA funding grant assessments or to book an assessment please contact me.